Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stickin' it to Your Employees

   See, when I first HEARD this story, I naturally assumed they were speaking metaphorically. Just another case of a hard working Malaysian getting fucked by his supervisor. And the ex-employee is now suing the corporation (Nike) for wrongful termination, defamation of character, or more likely, working 140 hours a week with no OT, benefits, or running water. Surely nobody can work under those conditions!  I hope that tiny Malaysian sues the HELL out of them!!

Malaysian Claims he was Screwed by Boss

     Well now that I've READ the piece, I think it's absolutely hilarious that the Malaysian Premier is charged with ACTUALLY sodomizing a former campaign worker.  Think about THAT the next time you feel you may hate your job.  At least your boss is not fucking you in the ass! (although it sure felt like it yesterday)

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