Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Anniversary Roe v. Wade

   If only Wade was a better District Attorney, we would never mourn the loss of an unborn fetus. Unless of course she goes to un medico in Mexico, or "accidentally" falls down a flight of stairs, or forces her unborn to listen to Maroon Five...well, you get the picture.  
   If only Roe didn't obsess with killing her unborn child (Normal L. McCorvey, 1969 mother of the year). Poor fetus, feeling a little unloved? If your mother sues the state she resides in because she would like to end your life before it begins, assume that your Christmas won't be everything you hoped for. Be suspicious if you saw any of the following on your first birthday:  a lead-based sippy cup, a child-friendly bottle of Ambien, a Chinese-manufactured anything, a baby walker strategically positioned at the top of the stairs, your mom wearing a t-shirt that says "VERY pro-choice", or the phrase "SID Happens" on your cake. Watch your back little Tommy Roe, watch your back...

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