Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weight Watchers and Load-Bearing Floors

Weight Watchers Floor Collapses During Weigh-In

  Are you fucking kiddin' me? Did this seriously happen? Did these people all die? Not from the fall, but from intolerable humility. How did any ONE of these fat bastards NOT kill themselves after this happened? Wow, the entire floor of a large assembly room within the clinic gave out under the strain of a Weight Watchers group.
   You would think a six-thousand square-foot floor could hold say, more than the TWENTY FUCKIN' PEOPLE this weight watchers club had in attendance that evening!!  Is land simply not strong enough to hold these people anymore? What the hell are we going to do with them? We could put 'em on Royal Caribbean's mammoth Oasis of the Seas as apparently sea water is the only thing that will keep these fat fucks aloft.
   Well now I"M pissed off because we just gave those modern-day tree-huggers, the global warming assholes, more ammunition. And THATS when the shit starts affecting me! Well, we just raised the Earth's sea-level another 3 fuckin' feet, that's how!!  "Oh no, he's spraying his aerosol deoderant while driving his 8 cylinder Escalade", they whine.  How have these people not been harpooned by now? (the people in the boat trying to save the whales. The whales in the water, not the whales in the boat)
   So COME ON fat people!!  When Jenny Craig says, "Get on board", she's not talkin' about dragging your fat asses onto the Lard Boat for a cruise. Drop some weight, or have elective surgery, but for Godsakes change your physical appearance because we're just flat out tired of looking at you!!

Editor's note: Always go with your gut because your douchebag friends will, without a doubt, always fuck you up, "I know for a FACT, that Oasis is Carnival's ship"!  Thanks Dwayne... douchebag



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